Happy Valentine’s Day!

The day of LOVE has arrived! Here’s to the king daddy day of flowers, candy, mushy cards, eating out, and watching a rom-com. Standard operating love day procedures.

When I was thinking of what I wanted to put together for this Valentine post, I thought about how differently people can see the same day, especially LOVE day, so I decided on opposite looks, switching up thrifted pieces of red and black hearts.

For some, today can be full of wonderful moments & memories made. If you are not into romantic gestures or feel it’s a commercialized holiday, today can feel just like any other. If you have lost a loved one, today can be especially hard, If you are single and hoping to find your someone special, today can be lonely, OR maybe not and you are going out to have a ball with your friends, glad to not have to deal with a mate. The range is LONG of how you might find yourself feeling about this LOVE day.

Wherever you are on that list, or somewhere in between, my prayer is that you know YOU are special, YOU are valued, YOU are enough, YOU are important, and YOU are LOVED. That truth does not need to come from what others think of you, but from your creator and what you think of yourself. There is not another you in the whole world so embrace how intentionally and wonderfully God made you. LOVE day or any day, you are such an important piece of life’s puzzle. I hope your day is a good one and just in case you haven’t heard it lately, you are pretty awesome!

This LOVE day is a perfect time to pick up the phone and tell someone that they are on your mind. Paying LOVE forward is the best gift you can give.

I appreciate all of you who follow my little blog. I love doing it, and appreciate you so very much! Without you, it wouldn’t be so THANK YOU!!!

To my forever Valentine who always reads my posts, every single day with you is LOVE day. I love you with my whole heart and am truly happy and blessed to be your wife! XXOO.

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!




Thrifted Thursday vintage Pendleton skirt 2 ways


Thrifted Thursday red houndstooth suit