
Y’all. Did I move northeast and someone forgot to tell me?? It’s freakin 30 degrees today. For the next 4 days we are in the 20’s. TWENTIES for the high? That does not happen here. We lost power for 6 hours. No heat on the coldest day of the year. SUCKED!  Our property looks like Elsa was throwing a party. Thank goodness I am married to mega man who sprang into action.  No power? No problem, he went through the entire property and house getting everything ready. He stocked the fireplace and we all settled in waiting for the electricity to come back on. My son felt death was imminent since our wifi was out too so there were no phones to pass the time. Nope. Had to sit with the parents. Oh, the horror.  He could not understand how people live without electricity and youtube lol. We played NFL monopoly by candlelight and hung out by the fireplace until the power came back on.  Oh, electricity, how I have taken thee for granted. Since this weather is uncommon, we certainly were not prepared. I put on extra layers and ended up looking like the kid from the Christmas story.  Hopefully, we don’t lose power again over the next few days since we actually have SNOW in the forecast. Good time to take pix in the heavy coats I normally never get to wear! If it’s this bad here, I can only imagine how rough it is in other places. I hope you are staying warm, preferably with someone you actually like lol, that makes it so much better.

Fast forward a couple of days from me writing that….

The day the snow was on it’s way, my son took these pix of me since it was actually cold enough outside to wear a real coat. The sky says it all. It’s about to unleash a snow fury like Texas hasn’t seen in 100 years.

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By the afternoon, the snow had started falling, much heavier than anticipated. This is not even almost normal for Texas.

The temperatures were in the 20’s and low teens. This is a storm nice and toasty Texas was not ready for.

The news said there would be rolling blackouts of about an hour each to help the overwhelmed grid to try to keep up. We lost all power the 2nd day and didn’t get it back for 6 days. So much for rolling blackouts. Without electricity, the water supply was shut down along with everything else that uses power. Bottled water was nowhere to be found. We had to load up our family and dogs to head to our daughter’s apartment. We were blessed that she never lost power. She was such a trooper, her small apartment was home for a week to 6 adults, 1 baby, 2 big dogs, 2 ferrets, and 1 cat. We were just missing the partridge in the pear tree lol. We lost water on the 3rd day which certainly made it interesting. Flushing toilets and showers had been taken for granted up to this point. We were all a little stinkier but we were warm. We were together which was the best thing in all of it.

When we finally got to go home to survey the damage, the power and water were turned on, but both of our instant hot water tanks were busted ( a 2 week back order due to demand) and our furnace wasn’t working. Thankfully it was warmer and the HVAC guy was able to get us up the next day. We are still waiting on hot water, but hubs bought us a portable unit, that gives a 4 minute warm shower. LOL 4 minutes. It’s hilarious. When we finally get our hot water back I will be forwarding my mail to the tub. I so miss it!

We learned a lot from Snovid 2021. Keep more supplies on hand, get a whole home generator, and always be thankful for what you do have.

All in all, it could have been worse. Major props to hubs. He led us so well through this. He kept everyone calm and laughing the entire time. I thank God for him daily.

I hope you were able to stay warm if you were in any of the many snowstorms that took place all over the US. Thank God spring is almost here!!!

Stay warm,



Mad for plaid 2


Going gray