Crows feet in heels

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A blog is born. It’s a girl, a girly girl

Thank you for reading my first blog post!

My name is Eden. They say you can tell what's REALLY most important to a person by what they share in the first 3 minutes of an introduction, apparently, F-Words are my life. Faith, Family, Food, Fashion, and Fixing up finds. I am an UP- style-a-holic. I will re-style just about anything I can get my hands on. The fun part for me is to spend as little as possible doing it.

This blog will focus on my style, with fashion and DIY home projects. I'll share some of my finds and also show how to create your own things for less $$. I'll be sharing a photo journal of my outfits and how I pair different things together. I would LOVE to exchange ideas with like-minded new friends and fellow bargain hunters. 

For those that are interested in the WHY??? It’s RIDICULOUS and a little embarrassing, but true story.

I’m just going to be honest right out of the gate that what prompted this blog is not some burning desire to share my meatloaf recipe or tell you 10 new ways to wear a ponytail. No. It was born out of a simple walk into my closet. I am a SERIOUS fashionista. However, the mirror begged to differ as it appears being stuck home for almost a year has turned me into schlumpy-sweatpant-ista. As I looked at all the beautiful clothes, with nowhere to wear them to, I had a thought I've never had in my 53 years. Maybe its time to just get rid of it ALL. It seemed logical, as I wiped Cheeto dust off my fingers. My oversized shirts and joggers help to deny COVID weight gains and are just waaay more comfortable.  And this messy bun in a scrunchie takes no time at all. Whoah... Then BAM! The BIG question hit me...

Did IT finally happen?? (probably while I was binging Netflix) Did I cross over some invisible old age bridge where I now would be dressing completely for comfort over style? HMMPH. Today, it’s joggers tomorrow, I'm on the cusp of elastic polyester pants, holiday sweater vests and GASP... sensible shoes. {{{shivers}}} That was it. Wake up call accepted.

I am just not ready to cross completely over to the dark side. Time to shed frump-a-lina and have some fun again. I need to create this lookbook of all my outfits and projects before age and gravity take any more of a hold.

Starting a blog to meet new friends and dress up again? Yep. Sounds a bit vapid... but It should help get me out of the stay homes boredom/blues. Does anyone else feel this way?

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you will do so again!

