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Snow day

It recently snowed here. Not big news for most of you.  I have missed seeing snow since we moved from Colorado. Now driving in it? Meh, not so much.  It was gone within a few hours but it really came down, which is unusual for us. Winter in Texas is usually 50’s-60’s. Occasionally, we hit the parka inducing 40’s. The couple of dustings over the years that might have been snow, melted as soon as it hit the ground. It’s funny how quickly one adjusts to completely different climates. In Colorado, 60ish was considered a warm day and my son would wear shorts to school, here if it even looks like it’s going to be cold they cancel school. It would have to be a legit blizzard for school to close in Colorado. My son certainly enjoys not driving on ice and yet still having the occasional “snow” day. Last week it was in the low 50’s and we were all commenting that it was “freezing” outside. Yep. We have officially acclimated to a warm climate. Yeesh, I know I am getting old when I make a post about the weather.

The best part about snow is the cute clothes that come with it. Knee duck boots, leggings, an oversized turtleneck, puffy vest, hat and scarf. COZY.

The other outfit, hubs calls “trucker”. For whatever reason, he really loves it. I guess it just a change from glamzilla. I almost never get to wear “snow boots” here. So happy to dust them off and put them on. I keep them just in case we ever move to a cold climate in the future. Yes, I know one more thing a hoarder says lol.

Keep warm out there!
