Oh happy day!

I’ve made clear declarations of my adoration for Ralph Lauren and his amazing flair for making me fashion happy. That is especially true for his boots. These vintage pebbled over-the-knee beauties popped up on my feed. Oh yes… you must come home with me to live forever.

Easier said than done. This particular boot is very hard to find. For months I had been stalking every place I could to try to find them in my size. It was my daily morning ritual. The boots were $750 when new, per a description of someone who sold them for $300. A good deal comparatively, but I just wouldn't spend that much on boots. Poshmark listed a pair for $150. Great deal, but still more than I really wanted to spend, I almost bought them but I did a quick image search just before clicking the buy it button... AND BAM!! THERE THEY WERE! Mercari, my new best friend had them in my size for… are you ready for this.??? $18. Yep. $18 freaking dollars. Sparks were flying out of the add to shopping cart button. So glad I didn’t spend $150 literally minutes before. What an unexpected blessing. Happy HAPPY dance. The boots came in and they were like new. I couldn’t even tell if they had been worn.

Now, on an average-sized woman, they would not be thigh-high. Ahh, the struggles of being vertically challenged. So the moral of the story is don’t give up. A good deal is out there waiting to be had!

Happy shopping!



Orange plaid

