Crows feet in heels

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Navajo cape

I love that my 3 daughters enjoy fashion. They are all beautiful and have completely different styles. 2 of them live in other states so I love getting texts of bargains they have found or something they have put together. They are all creative and on tight budgets, so it does my little mama heart proud that they are all AMAZING wonderful women, but also how well they all pinch a fashion penny. I am sure I will be posting some of their cutie pie outfits in the future.

Navajo poncho… how I LOVE thee!! My middle daughter gave it to me for Christmas a few years back and I wear it to death. She totally gets me lol. I think of her every time I wear it, which always brings a smile to my face. I love her to pieces. It’s one of my most favorite gifts ever.

I wore 2 different boots, The top ones are crop shop by Nine West. The bottom ones are vintage Frye boots, I’ve had for over 20 years. The more worn they get, the more I love them. I’ve learned that my vintage pieces have such staying power. They have outlived so many contemporary items and still look amazing. Maybe it’s because I am vintage that I enjoy them so much lol.

