Crows feet in heels

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Hello 55!

Today, I turn 55. I started a tradition last year to take birthday photos in a beautiful gown and matching shoes (for as little as possible of course lol) I highly recommend this, it’s fun and a great way to celebrate another year of you! Even if you wear the same dress every year, it’s capturing the beginning of a new year and new you.

I bought this gorgeous dress for only $15! The to die for Shoe Dazzle rhinestone gladiator boots were an $18 Poshmark steal. How I love them!!

At 55, I will celebrate the 1st year of having this blog, which has given me more joy, laughs and fun than I could have ever imagined. I have met like-minded fashion frugalista’s all over the world and have made some wonderful friends. I am honestly humbled and so grateful for it all. This year also has come with a lot of health challenges for me and my husband. A few nail-biter test results helped us to put life into perspective.

At 55 I will possibly be a new mom again to a teenage old boy we are hoping to adopt. While some think we are crazy to go through the teenage parenting years again, after finally becoming empty nesters last year, I know without a doubt, he’s our kid and was always meant to be, number 8, and I look so forward to signing those papers. 55 will also find us moving to the DFW area. I am so excited for the plethora of shopping choices there but so sad to leave behind the amazing church and friends we have here. There are so many wonderful memories in this house that it will be a truly sad day to leave it behind. 55 also means I am now considered a senior by Goodwill’s standard so I qualify for a 20% discount wooo-hooo LOL!

54 was a year that brought a LOT of change, some I wasn’t quite ready for and am still learning a new normal. I am glad to let it go. With it’s passing I also say goodbye to some pieces of me. I am a little shorter, a lot less volume of hair than I used to have and more gray ones too, my skin a little saggier, and having to work out harder than ever just to stay at the same weight I’ve been almost my whole life. AHH, the wonderful gifts of menopause LOL. I could focus on what I am losing but instead I will look to all that I have gained as the good far outweighs the bad. They say with age comes wisdom and less of a filter, OH LORT!!!

So many new chapters to be written in 55. I will continue to put together outfits that will probably not be age appropriate, therefore offensive to the fashion police, and wearing my sky high heels while doing it lol. No matter what 55 brings or takes away, I will thank God for it all, my amazing hubs, family, and friends. Each day is a precious gift from him and I trust in him. I am always thankful for you, who take time out of your busy day to read this blog. I truly and honestly appreciate you! Taking a deep breath and stepping into 55.