Crows feet in heels

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Just fur fun

One of the disadvantages of being vertically challenged is how easily you can disappear in bulky pieces. Case in point, fur collars that I LOVE, can engulf me quickly, but I say bring it on. If I’m going to be peeking out of anything make it fur honey. As usual, I honestly don’t care if it’s something I shouldn’t wear because I love how it looks and feels even if I look like eyeballs trying to see over the top.. There is just a regal feel to it, the old Hollywood glam vibe that I so adore.

While out of town, I stopped by their local GW to check it out. It was small and didn’t look promising. I almost turned around to walk out but then I saw the linebacker-esque fur collar from across the aisle, I knew whatever it was would be in my shopping cart. A ribbed black jacket by Dolan. Only $8.99? Yep, you are coming to live with me forever. I found the vintage Chad Stevens full skirt at the same store for $5.99. Meant to be. I am sure the lady behind the counter thought I was putting together a Halloween costume…lol how cute, I get that a lot. Glamzilla for about $15? why the heck not? Certainly not for the faint of heart. It’s a bold statement. What’s life without bold whimsy?

