Crows feet in heels

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Orange plaid

In Texas, Orange is a very popular color due to the College football team. When we lived in Colorado, it was one of the colors for the high school my kids went to, and same for the high school here my son attends. I can’t get away from it and have grown to really like it over the years. As a result, I have a fair amount of orange in the vault. But, there was a long period of time that this vintage (no brand) plaid vest was the only orange thing I owned. The color is very vibrant, and most of the things in the vault are more of a burnt orange. When I got the Ralph Lauren riding pants, it finally had something to go with it besides jeans. A few weeks ago I was at GW and I saw that same bright orange across the aisle. A cute leather skirt (brand-prologue) for $3.99.

AWWW, now my little nerd vintage vest has 2 matching friends. I’ve had the vest for over 15 years so it was about time it made some new friends.

